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Education is a gift for life. We help Girl's child to reach school and stay there.

We help children unlock their potential and realize their dreams. We believe that every child is extraordinary and can scale great heights if provided with the right learning opportunities. With regular and generous contributions from our supporters, we are able to march steadily towards achieving these goals.

We are committed to ensure that all children, irrespective of their origin, are able to go to school, play, interact and learn with other children of their age. We help children with limited means hone their creativity and skills under the guidance of trained teachers and make persistent efforts to enable them to secure a life of dignity for themselves, their families and the community at large.

 How do we do it?

We counsel parents coming from the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) of the society on the significance of sending their children to school and assist them through the admission process. In schools, we make learning fun. We train teachers to impart learning using child-friendly and interactive teaching-learning methods. We set libraries and infrastructure right, conduct Computer Science and English classes, promote and facilitate extra-curricular activities and sports. The idea is to provide holistic learning to children.  

We work with the local communities to form Children Groups (CGs) and School Management Committees (SMCs) and work with them to ensure that they take accountability of the development of the children in their community and that even the most marginalized children in their area are sent to school and they stay there. 

We map out-of-school children and ensure their enrolment into formal schools in age-appropriate classes. 

In classrooms, we encourage and help children to undertake learning activities in groups. This makes the entire experience much more fun and promotes healthy competition. 

In villages near our school we operate our own learning centres where children coming from the socially-excluded communities are provided learning and/or after-school support is also given. We run Mobile Learning Centres which reach the doorsteps of the  children who need us most.

We set up Temporary Learning Centres and distribute education kits so that the affected children do not drift away from the path of education.

Due to lack of knowledge, villagers were not aware of the importance of education. They didn’t know how essential education is. Even when they started knowing about the importance of education, they started to send only boy child in school. They didn’t give equal importance to the study of girl child. We know how biased and badly girl child was treated in past. In ancient times, there were no equal rights for girls and boys. Girls were not allowed to go out of home for any self reason. Girls were forced to do all the activities according to boys. Gender discrimination was seen more among villages due to lack of knowledge. According to their thinking, girls were only for cooking food and doing household chores, girls don’t need to study and educate themselves,future of girls lie in the kitchen. All such thinking prevailed in the minds of villagers and so they never thought of admitting girl child in school and educating them.

Bapusaheb felt very bad seeing all such narrow-minded thinking prevailing in society. He never discriminated people on the basis of gender. He knew how important it is for both genders to be educated. So he started to spread the idea of educating girl children too. He tried to explain many people and tried to change their thinking process about gender discrimination. He did his best to make people aware about the importance of educating girls. But the opposition he got from villagers was also very strong. Villagers were not ready to agree with the thoughts of Bapusaheb though he tried his best to convince each one of them.

But slowly revolution started to take place as Bapusaheb announced that he will open special school for girls. So,in 1984,in village named ‘Talegaon Dashasar’,He opened a school named “Madhyamik Kanya Vidyalaya”. Slowly but eventually change started to take place. Villagers started to send their girls in the school. Many girls were able to get education due to Bapusaheb. His contribution for making lives of many people happy is remarkable. Initially he didn’t have many students to study in his school but as the days passed , he got many students to study. As the number of students were increasing,it was not possible for Bapusaheb to let all students take education in such small rooms. So,after some days he made a building for girls to study. Still that school is the renowned school of village. These all changes would never have become possible without the unstoppable efforts of Bapusaheb. He is responsible for the betterment of many lives of his village.

Late Shri. Bapusaheb Deshmukh was awarded with “Dalit Mitra Puraskar” on 26th March 1975 for his social work and all time efforts for the development of society. His contribution for the welfare of society is remarkable. This all-rounder personality who always used to think for others and used to work for others left us on 28th July 1995. All his social works and his unbiased thinking will be remembered by us always. We are blessed with this selfless human who brought a very positive revolution in many lives. We should take inspiration from this great personality and should try to act selflessly like him for others. He provoked amongst us a thought that we should work for our society, for our country and should make others  happy.

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​​Call us:

+91 9834641233


​Find us: 

Krishak Sudhar Mandal ,Talegaon Dashasar,

Ta. Dhamangaon Railway, Dist. Amravati

State: Maharashtra

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